Last one to post in this thread wins!

The DRIs for vitamin D
Age groupRecommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) per dayTolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) per day
Infants 0-6 months400 IU (10 mcg)

1000 IU (25 mcg)
Infants 7-12 months400 IU (10 mcg) symbol_asterisk.gif1500 IU (38 mcg)
Children 1-3 years600 IU (15 mcg)2500 IU (63 mcg)
Children 4-8 years600 IU (15 mcg)3000 IU (75 mcg)
Children and Adults
9-70 years
600 IU (15 mcg)4000 IU (100 mcg)
Adults > 70 years800 IU (20 mcg)4000 IU (100 mcg)
Pregnancy & Lactation600 IU (15 mcg)4000 IU (100 mcg)
But notice it says "If Tolerable"