Avoided towing disaster.

My son and I have both towed ALOT over the years.
We had our first near catastrophe 2 weekends ago.
72 fury wagon parts car.
We stopped a few times on the way home once loaded and checked our straps to be sure they hadn't vibrated/worked loose/settled.
Well was fine. About 90 miles into the trip home we got on the off ramp, stopped at the top of the ramp, as soon as he started to let out the clutch when we went to take off, I heard a thud. Both straps had broken, car rolled right off the trailer.
We'd only moved about 8 feet from taking off from that stop when it went "thud".
We were using some pretty heavy straps, such as are often seen on a flatbed semi, we'd done this many many times before, secured a car on that same trailer with the same type of straps, never an issue in the past. Snapped them like "nothing".

Could have been much worse. We hooked up the winch, pulled the car back up and then he found the chains and binders that he was originally looking for. No damage done to car, trailer or anything else.
This used to be his trailer, a guy he works with (and does a poor job of maintaining anything) and like a year and a half later had to borrow it back .. and nothing was as my kid had left it when he sold it.... Nothing arranged, nothing where it previously was, just a mess.
I've borrowed trailers before and usually I have to do all the maintenance on them, just to do what I borrowed the trailer to do in the first place.
I've rewired them from scratch, done full brake jobs, packed bearings, replaced tires and more before when I w had to borrow trailers just to be able to do the job I needed a trailer for. Always left me wondering how the respective trailer owner was getting stuff done, with their equipment in such dilapidated condition....