They didn't know/ didn't tell us

When I was an exterior finish mechanic, I worked seven stories in the air, on scaffold that was not tied to the building, at any pointb, and it was on Sugar Sand, just sitting on a couple little tiny chunks of wood, I know that don't seem much, compared to a tower dog, but man every time you put your trowl on that building, that scaffold would rock backwards about a foot. I really don't want to get into the 90 ft long four-piece trusses for a Chinese Baptist Church that I did.... that'll just raise my damn blood pressure. These idiot roofers hired me to frame it for they thought bracing things was a waste of time well they didn't listen to me and we come back the next day and all the trusses we set with the crane fell over, I got up in there to tie the crane off after I did a bunch of bracing and the crane operator pulled them all back the other way to rack them and then took his foot off the brace while I was up at the Peaks, he left Fast! I can think of two different jobs I've been on, both times, friends of mine ( other Carpenters) borrowed bus money to get the hell out of there, due to safety issues