Looking for a great front suspension guy ....

I used to be " that guy" 15 years ago when I worked at the alignment shop.
It aggravates me nowadays not having Access to an alignment rack that I can do my own on...
And I am having a hard time finding anyone worth a $#1t.. all the guys I'd trust are either retired or Dead the last few of my own vehicles I've had to have aligned, the shop wouldn't listen to me as to how I wanted them setup, and I hate having to take something in 2x and pay 2x to get what I asked for.... I don't think they are used to a customer who actually knows what caster camber and toe are and how they relate.. I know that when I did alignments I don't think any of my customers did, just that they got an "all green" printout. But just because it's all green doesn't mean it's right. Carmakers leave quite a wide tolerance swing on front end specs...