David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

I don’t tune into this thread often.

I would be the “Rob” he mentions and those are my Magnum and J heads along with the intake and carbs. After meeting Charlie at the MOB meet in Melbourne Fl. (Thanks George Jets for the intro)
Charlie and I yapped it up a good bit and he invited me over. Then invited me back again. The following tests done are for his own knowledge and information gathering as well as my own and in looking at the heads, deciding on what to do with what head.

These heads will not make the MI-318 engine. The MI-318 engine as far as I know and understand are going to use a 318 head. Which exact head, I don’t know.

Any questions?
Good to see like minded individuals sharing info for the betterment of the hobby instead of attacking and denigrating others in the hobby who view things differently.