Polyurethane bushing squeak

I called it first. I got Dibs! Here we go. How do you lube an upper control arm bushing? An what the hell is the clearance on the upper and where do you measure it. As usual I think your just blowing smoke out of an orifice. You may want to lube it before you start a fire.

Called it? You’re such a toddler.

Yeah, of course that was my answer, because it’s how you actually fix the problem.

And if you don’t understand how to check the proper tolerances before you install a bushing, you really shouldn’t be giving anyone advice on installing bushings.
Turn up the radio, or run open headers

While funny, that’s a bad plan. If your poly bushings are squeaking they’re not lubricated properly, which means they will wear out prematurely. No different than a ball joint running dry.
I used that white clear grease that came with it. Where exactly are you supposed to grease the upper bushings? But there are not any fittings on them

Which bushings did you install?