David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

@Bakerlite Thanks. Getting together with Charlie has been really cool. Very nice family, very cool people. He likes to experiment and tinker and this is something I’ve said I like to do as well. I don’t have any skin in the MI-318, but I like the project as it’s just tinkering around to see what fun they can have meeting there goal.

Many have given a balk at the idea and that’s OK. Different strokes for different folks. Is it a waste of money and time? It doesn’t really matter. Anyone can say this at anything someone does on their hobby. Heaven forbid you make a wrong move or a mistake and broadcast it on YT.

Bottom line, if ya ain’t having fun, you’re probably doing something wrong. IDGAF as long as I’m enjoying myself in what I like doing. Someone is always going to disapprove and give a little heat. I don’t care. I’m open to discussion if polite, I turn off to rude. I’m still gonna do what I like to do as anyone here should do the same.

But I have noticed people still tune in on the MI-318 if they like it or don’t like it.