Veterans On the Board

Absolutely Amazing!!!
Timing chains and crankshafts aside, this is easily the most impressive forum on FABO.
Without all of you who served we might not even be able to have the freedom today that we do to communicate here.
Thank you ALL Veterans who have served around the world!
Shame Shame Shame on anyone who didn’t or won’t welcome home our troops!!!
Politics aside,That is just inhumane!
Please keep this forum rolling so more people are aware of what you went through or are going through for us.
Government take care of your troops in all and if they won't then you troops keep fighting so no-one forgets! I’m going to say you have fought tougher battles and maybe still are.
I am from North and fully support my brothers and sisters in the U.S.A. and our Canadian Forces.
God bless America!
It didn't get to be great on its own,
Veterans made it great!
Make sure you remind civilians of that often.
Thank you all Veterans every day of the year!