AGM or Lead-Acid?

I like to see 14.5-14.7. 15 is a bit high to suit me. My diesel pickup had red top optima's in it when I got it, got decent service out of the second pair (1st pair replaced under warrantee). When they died, I replaced them with lead acid, less than half the price of the red tops, if they last half as long, im ahead. (They did). The Delco agm in my Camaro lasted almost ten years, my opel (with HORRIBLE battery access!) has a red top that's six years old and going strong. When it dies, it'll get another redtop.
Counterpoint; I recently had to put new batteries in the pickup, again put in lead acid instead of agm's. (Sam's club). The agm warrantee was no better than the lead acid, and had no more power, for $50 more, each.