9 old tools almost nobody uses anymore

I started as an alignment guy in about 1987. I don't do that anymore, it pisses me off that I know have to have it done and can't find an alignment guy worth a damn. I can't get a good alignment without taking something in at least 2 different places and paying each time. I found it not worth going back to where I paid the first time, winds up a total waste of time. Though the last couple of times I've had to just drop them off and couldn't be there to babysit and make sure they set them where I want them.
for a while when I first left it around 05, I had 2 places I could go and do my own. But the old shop I used to work at sold to new owners I don't know, and my career center auto shop teacher retired, so now I have to pay like joe average.
Once I took my Durango back to the shop that I used to work at and asked for an alignment.
The other alignment guy that I worked beside had gone back to that shop under the new ownership after more years of being gone than I have been gone but like all of us he's older now too and went back for the new guys as a tire buster and oil change guy and the new management wouldn't let him go back to his alignment rack because that's not what he was hired for. And the 1 guy at the counter that was also there with me asked if my Durango was a "slip shaft" style adjustment, which it is, and which I had gotten really good at back in the day. He refused my alignment because he said "the guy I have now can't do those" and sent me down the road. I have only been to that shop down the road that one time, you know, "once fooled/twice fooled"....

After all that, one tool I wish I could find would be an old ammco caster/camber gauge and a set of turn plates...
I went to a guys house a few months ago on a CL and and he had one of the first hunter alignment systems I worked on starting around '88-89ish packed into a corner of the garage. I wish I had the space for one ......