Anyone here live in the Eastern outskirts of Austin?

I asked my wife this question couple days ago. She is 5th generation Texan. She ws raised near Llano ranching community hour or so North of Austin. Here is her take and NO she has not a predujiced bone in her body.

It all boils down to the general quality of people. What perentage of the whites, the blacks, the browns are honest and hard working non criminal types and HOW the kids are raised by each group. What is the quality of education? Why put people in groups? Because thats life.
Life goes to chit when the parents are honest but the kids are raised to have to NO values. Another factor here. How many Mex. gangs end up in Houston vs Austin or Llano?????? The answer to Llano is ZERO.

How many cat convertors are stole very night in Houston vs Austin? Murders? Home invasions? Burglery? Rapes? Domestic violence? How many TONS of Fentenol??????How manyy illegals died locked in a semi trailer??? How many cops died????

Austin has old r/e residentual areas as does any city/town but Austins area has on average better citizens there. Better as in honest and not criminals. Austin draws more tech industry and it draws more $$$$ people in general and Houston although very prosperous in general is different. In general, the "lower end" pop. is different. Steve points out stats and stats tell the truth. I don't have to bother to verify I know it is true. Usually, crime happens in lower end communities not so much in the upper end. OK so a millionaire can go nuts and kill his wife, family and then himself. It happens. But he doesn't get caught stealing converots and shoot a cop.

Politics?? Both Houston and Austin are both very LIBERAL so politics have no real meaning as to why and what. IF the quality of gov' ment of Austin is of a much higher level, then that is a big factor. Voters? There are plenty of well educated smart people in both cities, but what is the percentage of idiots that are voters??????????

Ther is a difference in everything in this old world.
BTW I agree with a lot of what your wife says....Im sure she is a lovely person
Were I live was much less populated with less crime and a better quality of life when I grew up in the 50's and sixties. When my father moved here from the lower east side of Manhattan in the early 1930's it was like the country
The beginning of the end was when the Verrazano bridge and the highway that connected it to the Goethals bridge was opened in the mid sixties. Connecting New Jersey to Brooklyn. People flocked here to escape the overcrowding and higher real estate costs in other parts of the city.....Now all these decades later if I owned a 40' by 100' buildable lot, I could get half a million for it easily.
The way it looks now, we will live here at least until one of us dies but living here and having access to the medical facilities is the reason why after 12 years my wife is still alive and its also the reason I have the life I have
Everything in life is a compromise and im grateful for the life I have