Possible good news from TrickFlow

Rat Bastid! Tell me how your cortisone shot goes as I am waiting for a hip replacement that is probably six months away and I am in a lot of pain and the drugs just don't seem to work much anymore!

It hasn’t been 24 hours yet but I was surprised how simple and quick it was.

It took them longer to tell me what they were going to do than to do it.

I was back there for about 20 minutes total and that included getting undressed and dressed. It’s incredibly simple.

They laid me on my back and they have a rolling X-ray machine so they can see in real time what they are doing. Then they figure out where they want to sit the needle in. They clean and put some kind of plastic over the area and they stick in a small needle of pain killer.

They used lidocaine on me and that stuff works quick. You barely feel a little stick and they numb everything including the joint. Takes maybe a minute. Probably less. It’s so quick that once they take that needle out the doctor grabbed the needle with the cortisone and stick it right in there. It takes longer to prep than to do.

They do the other side the same way and you are done.

It happened so fast that at the end the doctor asked me if I had any questions and I said how long do I have to lay here, meaning how long do we wait before the cortisone goes in. And he said we’re done. It’s over. Your about to get dressed and go home!!

I‘m thinking dang, I didn’t even know we were done.

So far, I had a slight bit of groin pain on the left side but it was slight. Other than that, it’s been smooth sailing.

The next week will be more indicative of how it’s working but so far, so good.