Anyone here live in the Eastern outskirts of Austin?

If you commit a crime in Houston, you go thru the Houston court system. Liberal judges tend to offer low bails. Houston is hugely Liberal. Rural Tx. is hugely conservative and so is their court system. Houston's criminal courts are overwhelmed, and were before Covid but the Liberal county judge system there that was responsible for shutting down courts, restaurants bars and gyms added to the back log and now it is huge.

Fact is both Houston an Austin are very Liberal in all aspects, but for my nickle, I would not trade 10 Houstons for 1 Austin.

end of story.
and again liberal translates into high crime areas......Which we all know by studying the crime rate of Texas is BS
Its more of the same from the far right fake agenda
All of Texas especially rural parts have a huge problem with meth addiction and opioids.
The drop out rate of high school students is higher with Texas ranking 7th with over 50 thousand not completing 4 years
So when we want to make a case of the evils of so called liberal cities lets just include all the real factual information
Texas is a great state no doubt and my intention is not to shed doubt on that but rather to dispute a notion that if I live in a small town im generally any more safer or my children are shielding from violence or addiction than any other part of the state
Its plain common sense that higher populated areas will have more crime because they have more population and of course some parts of any city have higher crime areas
I do not understand what a "liberal county judge system is". Or how judges were solely responsible for shutting down a court system. I believe it went a little higher then a liberal county judge system that decided to shut down a court system during a pandemic.
Yes its the end of story