Anyone here live in the Eastern outskirts of Austin?

You just disputed your own notion
Reading comprehension. Read the posts from the start. I will not take the time to explain what you cant read or wont
The statement that started this and I quote Austin is a liberal **** hole. Austin may vote more democratic but its nothing close to a **** hole and even one Texan here agreed with that
Things like poverty, homelessness , addiction among others all breed crime and lawlessness.
It really gets me how a certain element in this country says they want to protect children but yet wont protect them when they go to school and through all of that even as seen in this thread make a case about mental illness and how they should should do this that and the other thing, but yet never identifies exactly who "they " is
Because "they" in so many cases is not the so called liberals that would likely to be blamed for every misdeed, every evil, every crime in our country