Anyone here live in the Eastern outskirts of Austin?

Its just my point of view, but Liberal and chithole go together quite well. As in Liberal politicians do not help its situation in general. I will never change Steve's opinion about much and so be it.
Any city that its polulation sits in traffic hours on end in my book is a "chithole". I care less if anyone agrees.

Steve spends his time researching rebuttal material. Steve quotes that Tx. ranks 7th in high school drop out rate and with 70,000 not completing 4 years. Probably true. Why??????/ Does ole Steve ever wonder how many illegal kids come across that don't even speak the English language????? hum. Does he ever question any of his thoughts?

One tidbit of info for Steve. When a Tx. school district kids do not pass the minimum requirements in education, the STATE of TEXAS takes over that district, sends in THEIR principal, fires the existing school board, and a new one is elected with certain requirements as to education, business and social skills and experience. That still might not mean that particular school district becomes successful in education but all will be done to make it so that is reasonable an logical. Houston has that situation in their largest district right now. It happens all over the state when so many kids are illegals and don't speak the language. I wonder how well I would do IF I started school in Mexico tomorrow and the only Spanish I know are the "bad" words of no use in school????????

Arguing or discussing with the average farleft Liberal is lke standing out in the pasture talking to a fence post except the post can't call "stupid."
What I quote is pretty much knowledge coming from reading and that wouldn't be through rose coloured glasses LOL.
Of course if you live in a very small town, maybe a farming community, less population, crime hopefully is lower as compared to some metropolis.
I tried not to throw out labels as labels indicate often a one way of thinking thats often some what biased but the facts are what they are and facts can be a inconvenient truth for some
I went to great lengths not to insult anyone. Im not a far left liberal by any means, im also not money hungry because I live in a city area and work two jobs all of what you implied
Do I call anyone lazy because they work 40 hours a week and take weekends off?