Anyone here live in the Eastern outskirts of Austin?

Amazes me how "some" get a pass when they inject politics and their political beliefs into a conversation and turn it into a fuckin shitshow.
Close the thread, OP turned down the job.
What I quote is pretty much knowledge coming from reading and that wouldn't be through rose coloured glasses LOL.
Of course if you live in a very small town, maybe a farming community, less population, crime hopefully is lower as compared to some metropolis.
I tried not to throw out labels as labels indicate often a one way of thinking thats often some what biased but the facts are what they are and facts can be a inconvenient truth for some
I went to great lengths not to insult anyone. Im not a far left liberal by any means, im also not money hungry because I live in a city area and work two jobs all of what you implied
Do I call anyone lazy because they work 40 hours a week and take weekends off?