Poll: Which End of the Garage is the "Back" and Why?

I have had this discussion with a lot of people. I know this is a 'who cares' question, but it might be fun. Here is the question:
You are standing in the large opening of the garage (the opening you actually drive your car through) and looking straight ahead at the wall at the other end of the garage where, most likely, the door going into the house is. Is the wall you are looking at (the one with the door going onto the house) the Back or Front of the garage?

It seems obvious to me that the wall with the door going into the house is the BACK of the garage. After all, the large opening you drive the car through is at the FRONT of the house. Plus, when I pull into the garage, the wall in front of me just seems to me that I am driving towards BACK of the garage.