Pressure to get car done

They are seldom done done , lol

Shortly after our wedding, I told my wife about an old farmer, ordered a mail order wife, picked her up at the train station in a horse and buggy.
On the way home all was quiet, the horse stumbled once, the old farmer yelled "that's once".
Short while later, horse stumbled again, farmer yelled "that's twice", mail order wife sat meekly by.
As they reached the farm, horse stumbled again, when they reached the barn, farmer took his rifle and shot the horse dead . The new wife started crying, asking about the horse, when she stopped, he looked at her and said . . " That's once " !
No drama, - married 50 yrs last Xmas . . lol
Only had to say it a few times, - once for my Dart ! - tell the story .