Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

You seem pretty involved in this. Do you recommend carry insurance and if so what do you recommend and what’s it cost a year.
Well I actually own and operate a Firearms training center. I teach a wide spectrum of both skill and student. From SWAT guys to Joe Shmo who just wants a conceal carry license. I am a sponsored competition shooter and currently hold several Titles including State Champion with pistols blah blah blah. Much like all your years and knowledge about racing you just kind of lay low and let folks do as they will. I am same with firearms stuff. But ifun ya ask me, Lord have mercy I will answer! Hah! To answer your question directly an absolute firm yes on carry insurance. I cannot stress that enough. Absolutely. Keep in mind I do not sell insurance nor do I represent one Company or another. In that arena I am simply a consumer. Several brands have approached me wanting exclusivity as a partner to our range but I have not done that as I think it portrays an image I do not want as an instructor. I prefer to simply educate the student as to the need for carry insurance and let them decide which company to select. Basically there are two major players US Law Shield and USCCA. There are a multitude of others but those two are the gorillas in the room. I have had both, and frankly with some recent changes the differences between the two are minimal. You can’t go wrong with either. They both offer varying degrees of coverage and side bar stuff. Basic fundamental coverage is very inexpensive. In essence from about 12 bucks to as much as fifty a month. The fifty is for all kind of education access etc. Bottom line if you carry you need to carry insurance. Hope this answers your question. Apologies for delayed response I was mowing about 25 acres!