How successful were you in loosing weight question?

Of course Dr. Google paints a pretty horrific picture.

In the last year+ I've been through a $hitload of testing to get "baseline" data. I see my hepatologist every 6 months to discuss all the latest results. Since there are very few of us PSCers (and every one of us has unique symptoms), he believes I'm in the early stages of this. So, the battery of testing will continue to keep collecting data. Unfortunately, there is no cure (even a liver transplant does not guarantee PSC won't return). Currently my symptoms are mild, so I'm going to do what I can, when I can, while I can.

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Ya, i too get called in every 6 months to see the Hematologist-Oncologist doc, to have a face to face with him, in person, follow up appointment.
The blood suckers, vampires, phlebotomist, at the VA suck blood out of me every 3 months for analysis, to see if anything's changed.
So far, i'm told to lead a happy, normal life, for old age.