I don't know about stupid, as I've only had an issue with one UPS driver [got him fired]. Money is the issue that seems to drive most opinions about pkg delivery. However, I have seen the USPS losing mail, more frequently these days. I sent a check to a friend, one state away. After a month I had to send another. Two months after receiving the second check, he received the first one.
I await a check from a member of this site. He sent a second one [5 days ago] after several weeks. I haven't received] it yet.
Courier services. My Dad worked for the Alberta provincial government. They sent and received a lot of legal documents, all sent by courier whether 2 blocks away or across the country.
When I was a young man many moons ago, Canada Post came out with a guarantee that if you mailed something by 10 AM, delivery was guaranteed the next day anywhere in Canada. Then they got sorting machines and you likely do not get it the same week! Excuse is people put oversize stuff in envelopes that get stuck in the machines. Well toss the machines and go back to hand sorting. Pretty much any grade 6 kid should be able to do that.