I don't know about stupid, as I've only had an issue with one UPS driver [got him fired]. Money is the issue that seems to drive most opinions about pkg delivery. However, I have seen the USPS losing mail, more frequently these days. I sent a check to a friend, one state away. After a month I had to send another. Two months after receiving the second check, he received the first one.
I await a check from a member of this site. He sent a second one [5 days ago] after several weeks. I haven't received] it yet.
Yes, I agree that USPS has its problems, but alot less than private shippers in my experience. Fedex delivering to the wrong address or not delivering at all that I have to drive 30 miles out of my way to pick up at a distribution center cause their driver can’t figure out my shipping address is a mail drop that they are an authorized shipper for is totally unacceptable. I mean they stop there 3-4 times every day to pick up packages.