New product for retired racers.

If it came down to fishing or driving your PG car, I’d take the former.

It takes the same talent to run a pop up toaster as it does a PG car. Especially a bracket car.

If it wasn’t for no prep Racing the sport would be in worse shape than it is. Very few people go to see dot 90 racing let alone a handicap bracket race.

Of course, it’s because they are stupid and just can’t understand it.

That thinking is the height of arrogance.

Bracket racing has taken the spectator out of the stands and put him behind the wheel of a race car. Those not up to the competition are better off selling their race cars or softening it up for use as a daily driver. I hear car shows and cruises are really exciting places to spend some time. I’ve been asked if I could add a special W2 addition to my fishing seats but since that project is over 50 years old and heavy the seat frames can’t support both that weight and the fisherman too.