Steering All Over the Place at 55mph+

Watching this to see your update when done. Yeah, working on the car stinks when you want to be out driving it, bet the feeling of "I did it" makes up for that. Besides, the more you do and succeed, the more knowledgeable and comfortable you become with owning a classic car. As you are finding out, less and less places can or will work on these, and the ones that will, often don't get it right or care.
Me, I haven't ever done an alignment. I understand the concepts, but I have my concerns. I plan to take my project to a shop that has some old-timers I've talked to when I take my truck in for inspections. They know they aren't going to be there forever, so they will let me watch & explain whats going on. After the first shot, I plan on doing that task myself from then on.