Just as slow as before mods..

Man, that SUCKS, and PS, they SCREWED US ALL, some people are just too stupid to realize it yet! I run a small business myself, and I'm actually thinking about going to work for someone else. I've still got all my tools and equipment ( a lifetime of knowledge and experience) But I may have to, just to make it, after losing my home, because I Could Not work. It's actually still bugging me man, I'm dealing with a bunch of BS on that end now ( I'm not liking none of it, takes me to Anger and depression) I've actually gotten better after dealing with my bout of double pneumonia and almost dying (funny, the 2xP popped in Direcrly after having covid) So basically I can relate to what you're saying. There are guys here (several core members that will bend over backwards to help you) diagnose anything they can over this damn phone or computer. And a lot, and I Mean, a LOT of good people on here man, and they're highly knowledgeable and skilled. All they need to see is a little effort on your part( looks like you're trying right now that's a good thing) Id go out and get a socket set,and some wrenches though, Doggone it! It sucks that shop ripped you off, but by getting more mentally and Hands-On intimate with your Mopar you'll find y'all have a much better relationship, my Brother! I mean you and the car not the guys here, lol. But the more tips they give you,and when you start with these Basics, the further they'll go out of their way to help you dig to the bottom of this. I had a 71 demon slant 6 back in the early '90s man I should have never got rid of that car along with a bunch of other ones I had, including my Coronet but I don't even want to get into all that. It may not be a hobby for you now but it could become one you don't need to have $150,000 worth of crap to work on a car you just got to have a little Drive
I missed the part where you lost you home? That's terrible. The depression is terrible too. I get that too. Try not to drink, makes it worse. Don't give up, times will change, needs to be much sooner.