Help: 72 Dart Swinger front pass. fender rubbing

The "dog leg" I was referring to is the rear part of the fender, between the door and the wheel opening. My recollection was incorrect though, the front section is the part that changed, the rear did not. You can see more information and discussion of this here

Front Fender Dimensions

Seems all the '71 fenders had the 8" measurement, where the '72 fenders had a measurement in the 7 1/4" range (or most of them anyway?). I think this came up with the repop'd AMD fenders as well, I know it's come up before a few times.

Thing is the marker lights are different from 70/71 to '72, so either your fender was converted to the later marker or perhaps it's another "Ma Mopar strikes again" with a slight body change that just rolled through til parts ran out, leading to a mismatch on your car. Hard to say without looking at that fender up close.

As for other fenders, I'm assuming you're looking for one that would match your driver's side? '72 is basically a 1 year only fender. That particular fender can only be found on '72 Darts (2 or 4 door) and '72 Demons. Duster's used an entirely different fender, I may have muddied that fact a bit because my car started life as a Duster but now has a Demon front clip. You can swap the whole clip, but you can't mix and match. So if you're looking for 1 fender, you need one from a '72 Dart or Demon.

Heck I just noticed you're in Concord. The '72 fender I measured for this is in fact a passenger side '72 Dart fender that has the matching dimension to your driver's side. It's in great shape but wears its original brown paint. All my cars are '71's or '71 tributes, so I don't need it for my cars. Shoot me a PM, maybe we can work something out.
Ah man i cant thank you enough for all the info and forum link.