Rest In Peace to my cat Copper Girl

I'm not a cat person. But I had a loss a couple months ago. A cat that was dropped of at my house 5 years ago. My son took from a gal he was fancied on, but that could no longer care for. So now it was my problem. This cat was a mess. Half blind, could not hear. And was skinny close to death. I cared for and lived another 5 years. Even with can't see and can't hear? Her nose was that of a bloodhound. And ate like a horse. And would bug the crap out of me if i had something to eat. Until she got a nibble too. And I wanted her gone for many years. She passed a couple months ago at the age of near 23.

I have to admit it was a somber time. And still miss that freaking rat mess.

And of course condolences on loss
