Need some opinions/ advice from some of you "gun hands"

My $.02, worth the price paid:
There are a bunch of new rules that affect all states when it comes to 80%'ers. I would avoid them. BATFE has been collecting sales records for anyone selling them and then knocking on doors. They're still legal for now (there's an injunction in place that's stopped a 'ban' from being put into effect), but I expect that if the courts side with Brandon that anyone who's bought them in the meantime will meet some unpleasantness in the future. Some folks are OK with that, and I applaud them, but it's not the right choice for everyone.

Which specific rules are you talking about? I've not heard of them knocking on doors. Doesn't mean is didn't happen, but I'd like to see a reference.

What the new rules are attempting to do is enforce registration. 80 percent lowers aren't/weren't banned anymore than that hunk of aluminum in my shop. What did happen, and what the injunction covers, is the attempted end to the selling of un-serialized lowers but because the ATF still doesn't recognize an unfinished lower as a firearm, the injunction was granted. They are also trying to make it a little harder by preventing the sale of tooling/jig/lower "kits".

There is a memo from the ATF reaffirming what they classify as a "firearm" with respect to the lowers (rifles and pistols) and yes, 80 lowers are still just a hunk of metal.

I'm not above being wrong, so please lt me know where I've made a mistake. This not some "challenge" and I'm serious. I don't want to be wrong on this anymore than the next person.