Need some opinions/ advice from some of you "gun hands"

Thanks for clarifying, much appreciated and I wasn't taking it as an argument.

The sale of tooling with the lowers as a kit became an issue last year when the rules went into effect.

Even then though, the existence of 80 lowers in and of themselves is not being challenged . It's the serialization aspect. As of last year, if you are a licensed dealer, with intent to sell, you are required to serialize them. Private owners, NOT selling are good to go. In fact, you can still sell if you're careful and can show no intent to be a manufacturer. I would simply avoid selling them altogether though. That has always been sticky.

There is nothing in the rules that went into effect last year that prohibits them.

However, all that said and done, we all make choices. I do agree polymer lowers are a joke and I'd go further and NOT buy a billet one. Forged, while not as tacticool looking, are about twice as strong. If someone has ever used an M-16 to break a fall/dive to the ground, they'll understand.

Thanks again

Agreed 100%.

I know there's no 80% lower ban, but lots of the pre-final proposals were appearing to try and do just that. Nothing which has been discussed or passed would ban them outright, but there were pre-final proposals to require SOTs for simply selling them because the suggestion was that it 'engaged those companies in the business'. The final rules rejected all that, luckily, but it's obvious there's an end goal in mind whether through new rules or through future laws. The 80% lower in and of itself is not the thing which will get banned, but one of the steps in the process which leads to that random hunk of metal finding it's way to a person's doorstep. It's all stupid and a hunk of metal is a hunk of metal, but jackboots gonna jackboot.

I also hate billet. It can be done well, but usually isn't. Forgings have too many benefits to ignore and the minor cosmetic gains a billet set can yeild aren't worth the squeeze IMO.