Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

The first week in April i started to go on a diet, starting out at 230 pounds, and now down to 217, this morning, when i got on the scale.
My goal is to get down to an even 200, so i'm almost half way home.
I'm sure weight loss, is going to do my heart good, but honestly i got tired of looking at myself in the mirror, with a pot belly, and the flab, that goes along with it, on the sides of my body.
Been loosing a pound and a half, a week, by eating less, eating smarter, and my walking around my block 3 times during the day, with each walk being one mile.
And my pace for the walk is 18 minutes.
Bought one of those little "step meters" too, and my steps are in the 2,200, for the mile.
Don't know, where the first 13 pounds of weight has come off my body, but the next 17 better begin to get rid of the belly fat, or i am disappointed in the way one looses weight off the body.
Guess i will hafta keep on going down from 200, if i don't see the results that i want to.
When i got out of the Air Force in 1980, i put down 180 pounds, on the form when i got a Commiefornia, drivers license, when i was 29 years old, so at one time in my life, in the distant past, that was my weight.
Doubt i can weigh in again like that, at age 70.