318 diagnosis

@AJ/FormS ,
i thought you were on to something with the PCV. There was some oil on the valve and at end of hose at carb which goes into the center port on my 1406 Edelbrock. I disconnected the valve and ran it out on the highway with no change. Still leaving a decent cloud on hard excel.
I'm thinking my best option is to:
-get another leak down tester and try to determine if i have a head issue or ring issue..although compression test doesnt seem to indicate rings.
-next would be to scope intake and/or remove to look at gasket and possibly install a new one.
-next would be to have another set of heads (302) checked and swap springs to these and install.
I was hoping for easy.
Smoke looks Grey according to neighbor (i'm colorblind) but i'm not loosing coolant, only small amount of oil.