Piston to deck clearance 360

@AJ/FormS , good post except the last paragraph.
I couldn’t disagree more. Your assumption is a mindless smashing of the gas pedal to the floor without care or concern. While that’s fun at times, your assumption is that every one does this and proof is the amazing repeatability of your words in every post concerning this.

While a serious and well thought out suspension and tire size will limit this to a degree and it is a huge improvement over stock springs and tires or upgraded tires, the constant of a successful take off out of the hole is carefully applying power to the point of spin without a significant amount of wheel spin. You seem to assume no one can do this all the time.

There is the challenge of street racing on asphalt. Enough spin to go but not spin out of control going no where.

One more thing I have found in your post which is otherwise dead on is the piston deck height on a stock block and the idea that decking the block for a zero deck is what seems to be a waste of time. Decking the block for a zero deck height, if one wishes it, is building the engine to the spec they desire. Proper mathematicians is in order before any machine work is done for sure. Also a dead smooth surface for sealing.

On one of my 360’s, the KB-107’s are down in the hole @ .020.
The deck only took a very minor skim cut to assure it was level.
The engine was not blue printed, so the other exact specs and can not give as to possibly explain anything else about the engine. It was just a stock block bored .030 and the rods were good to go on a freshly cut stock crank.

Good post AJ. Well said.