A833 OD shift mechanism

To adjust your shifter correctly

1. Start by installing the levers only on the transmission (numbers/letters facing out). Use blue loctite and lighten the nuts to 200 inch pounds. Find neutral position for the 3/4 lever (front top lever) and the 1/2 lever (Rear top lever). Move the reverse lever (Bottom lever) all the way forward. This centers the internal transmission parts.

2. Align the shifter indexes (right under shifter body) many OEM reverse levers are not drilled for an alignment pin.

3. Adjust the rods and swivels to the shifter arm and transmission arm holes without moving either arms.

4. If there is any binding you may be one turn off one way or the other. The center of the shifter has to aligned very close because of the transmission interlocks and shifter arm pass throughs.

Picture of O/D linkage



