Strange torsion bar issue on my 1965 barracuda. Please Help.

If adjusting the bars doesn’t keep the ride height where it needs to be it could very well be that the bars are worn out. Torsion bars “sag” like any spring does over time, but it ends up being radially rather than vertically with say a leaf or coil spring. You can compensate with the adjusters for awhile, but eventually you just run out of adjustment.

Other issues could include the torsion bar sockets in the transmission crossmember, if the crossmember rusts the sockets can break free which will also result in losing ride height. That and the LCA pivot tube breaking loose from inside the K frame.

So I would check the car over for rust and structural damage and check the condition of the bushings and suspension components. But barring any of that it’s probably just worn out torsion bars.