Wi-Fi device detection

So some may remember the squatter situation we dealt with thru most of 2021 and 2022. They’re off the property but the last several months, we will randomly hear people talking inside one of our barns. Mind you, the nearest neighbor we have is nearly a mile away.

Anyway, this morning, 3 of us again heard people having a conversation. Well at the same time, my laptop popped up a new Wi-Fi network was discovered. Again, no one else anywhere close. It then disappeared at the same time the voices stopped. 15 minutes later, it came back along with the voices.

I’ve tracked it to one of our barns, one particular corner of said barn but the size makes it a pain to track from there.

The squatters did have camera and other recording devices throughout the property and were ordered by the court under threat of criminal charges to remove them. Which they did as best we could tell at the time but we’re wondering now if there’s not something hidden watching us again.

Sounds paranoid, I know but two of the individuals that heard and saw this weren’t involved in the case and work for the local Utility company and were out this morning to work on the gas line.