12:05 Garage- ’70 Duster build

Officially registered for 2023 Moparty Grand Champion. LET"S GO!

My confidence that the 5.7 will be installed by Moparty is beginning subside. I ordered the TTI engine mounts so I could get to work on modifying them and the cross member. But guess what- no stock anywhere. TTI is even out of them. I can't say I'm surprised, but why wouldn't they have a pile of these in stock. The design is super simple and I would imagine assembling them can't take that long compared to their headers. I would make my own, but I want to make sure the engine is in the proper position to work with their headers. I just don't want to create problems that will bite me in the *** later. Their production is scheduled for late May, so I'll be here waiting until then.
I'm not the type of person that will be down to the last hour before I have to leave working to get it complete. I want at least a month on the setup before I travel 9 hours to beat on it. As much as I'd love to get the swap done over a weekend, in reality, that won't happen. I have to plan for at least a couple weeks. That put me pulling the 408 in July. It doesn't seem like a reality. The good news is, the car is currently running perfectly and I don't plan on changing anything until then.

I know they aren't TTI mounts and there is always the concern that the motor will be in a different spot, but these are in stock:

And TTI has measurements for the engine location. So you could verify where the above mounts locate the motor and shim accordingly.

As a bonus, the above mounts do away with the biscuit isolators.

Just a thought.