A different perspective on "THE BLACK GHOST" by UTG.

Thats cuz you havent driven one … after being in the hi end car biz for 30 years and have driven most makes I can say those Euro cars have a soul ! I still love my Mopars but if you drive a classic HP BMW / Farrari Lambe or Jag you will understand .
I owned an 89 E30 BMW and LOVED that car !
That’s 100% true. There are a few imports I’d live to try out but none are of the exotic kind. On that list is an Aston Martin and a Jag. After that, there isn’t one I want to drive. There looks aren’t attractive and they do nothing for the wood in the pencil. So, I still offer 50 cents.

Sonic it’s an old or new exotic or just simply an expensive HP car, the above are the only two I’d consider IF my wallet was thick enough. It is not so my goal posts remain right where I staked them as the others would be a pipe dream and really not worth entertaining.

IF I could afford one, I would. But he assured that if I have the funds to afford one, I’ll have the funds to afford 7.
