HELP 8-3/4 741 case new stuff - price for setup - options

Read over and over the factory service manual until you can run the whole process through your mind. Not so daunting then.
Next, buy, borrow, parts store loan-a-tool as needed the dial indicator, a vice grip style indicator base, a seal/race installer set, caliper/depth gauge and go to town.

Drift/drive the races in carefully by hand with the installer vs. using a press.

Getting the pinion depth correct is the only tricky part (but there are ways to get it right using a honed out spare “new” pinion bearing and improvised measuring techniques) Believe it or not all you need to read and study is right there in the FSM section on the differential. Add any additional sources to supplement what you’ve already read in that. Once the pinion bearing is shimmed right all the rest you can just set up by the book, check, adjust and recheck and do it until right. For not much money. Time and effort, pride in doing it yourself. If so inclined :)
Thanks as much as I get from reading, my dyslexia, my need to "feel it", and the amount of money I have already spent (I'm a cheap rat "bastage" and don't want to break anything) make it daunting. However I sincerely appreciate the words of wisdom and confidence you inspire....