408 roller cam?

Commonly listed as a 249/269 advertised duration .410/.417 lift with 49 degrees of overlap and a 117 ICL. The 5.9 hydraulic roller I measured from an ‘89 W250 matched up with the lift. The other numbers are where the original target at the start of production and got reworked as needed for emissions compliance. On a side note, it made a 5.2 magnum engine into a grunt stump puller engine with the 1.6 rocker ratio. You’re usually going to have a higher than targeted ICL (the exhaust centerline will be equally affected by the LSA, but there’s only 1 degree or so of adjustment per lobe from the lobe centerlines) with a regrind because the lobes being indexed with some retard to start with. If possible, it’s best to send the core in and see what it will grind in at before deciding on your compression ratio. Of course, you can also advance it another 4 degrees upon installation, but if you have a stock 117 ICL (not likely, I’ve seen more in the 110-114 range) you’re going to need some serious static cylinder pressure if you have a lot of duration added to it. That is unless unless he’s filing the key way in the cam and sprocket mount and re indexing it. I imagine that is probably part of the deal, but I haven’t asked him yet. He is pretty adamant about sticking as close to the overall numbers as possible.