Has anyone ported stock magnum heads and have the before and after flow numbers .???

Some of the reported flow curves come from less than what was found to be reputable people. I agree it is fun to compare the curves though. I take all the curves with a grain of salt. This is mostly from when I had questions between the two tests I had sone on my ported W5’s.

Yea a third test is silly but I think the best way to compare a head is the same head before and after on the same bench. This at least shows the improvement of the head on the same bench and operator. As it is said, don’t get so super caught up in the numbers but IMO, it’s better to understand what the head is doing overall.

For chits & giggles,
(some of you are going to roll your eyes on this one)
Charlie Sevideo and I were BSing around and it ended with me being over my as cast and ported sets of W5 heads. Same casting, tested both, interesting results from the as cast head.

This video I made will be redone as I don’t like the quality of the rushed video. Take it for what it’s worth. It’ll be redone later. It needs to be redone.