Am I alone in this world ? Lol !

If you don’t buy one, and your friends and neighbor don’t buy one, then they won’t sell and will have a lot full of new unsold junk, and will quit making them.

VW. (largest automaker in the world)

all say not enough infrastructure to change them all.
How about Ca telling people to refrain from charging cars when it’s so,hot out. LOL you can’t make the **** up.

California Backlash over Order Not to Charge Electric Vehicles During Heatwave

and these batteries are not clean, we are being duped by the tree huggers.

So just don’t buy one, and tell your friends not to do it either. I’m not driving one of those POS. I want to fill the tank and go on my time, not wait for a charge. Where I live it’s cold and snow in winter, this kills the range and increases charging times.
Who has 10K to replace the battery when it goes bad.
Plus I can repair my own car in my own garage.

This mandatory electric car BS is not a done deal by any means.

don’t drink the “kool laid”