Am I alone in this world ? Lol !

That isn’t reality. The reality is. When gasoline is so expensive and the electric cars become more affordable and they will. All people will buy them. People do what’s in their best interest only. Everyone knows that a self check out takes jobs away from people. Observe what choices people make when there’s a choice to pick from a self checkout or a check out operated by a person. People always claim
to support one thing and their actions prove otherwise. People are hypocrites. They will buy the electric cars when they see no other choice or when they are more affordable. One, if not both of those options will most certainly happen. You can try to convince as many people as you like. They will choose the best option for them. Regardless
If I was a red-X kindof guy, I would throw out my very first one on this post.
But because I'm not, I'll just say
I disagree.

the price of gas is is being artificially regulated to FORCE the EV indoctrination program. The problem is that there is too much government "oversight".
THEY decide what
THEY think We the Peons should or should not get or do, and then
THEY MAKE it happen.
that is Not government;
that is dictatorship.