Post Your Vintage Drag Racing Pics!!

My uncle Rick behind the wheel, about 6 months out of high school and about a year before he received an all expenses paid trip to Nam, with Bill Golden standing along side. My uncle Bill worked with Golden in the aero space industry back in the 60s and they were pretty good friends. I still have a LRW button and 8X10 pic that BG signed and gave me, I was probably 9 at the time. My aunt still has a roll or 2 of footage when Golden testing the LRW at Lions, maybe the same day this pic was taken? I need to convert that into a digital format. Uncle Bill actually hid underneath a fire blanket as BG pulled the LRW to the starting line then shot the 8mm footage shooting through the grill. haha
I tracked down BG and called him in the late 90s after my uncle Bill had passed. When I told him who I was he immediately starting to tell me stories about he and my uncle street racing, working together and the day he let my uncle shoot that footage. Said had he been caught with him laying on the floor he would have for sure lost his license for a while.
