Something to ponder

The Farmer's Market restaurant here has a sign I like..."Many people miss opportunity, because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work."
I remember wayyyy back when I was a kid in SW Ga. the 60s. The guy that owned to local feed store and a fair amount of land, cattle, crops, etc. was a big ole country type, wore bib overalls every day and a straw hat. One day he took the trip up to downtown Atlanta and checked into a fancy hotel and tried to pay with a check. The clerk politely told him they only accepted cash or credit card. He just said, son please call my banker at this number and he will tell you my check is good. After all this got passed thru 3-4 hotel guys, one called his banker and the banker simple said:"I suggest you take is check before you piss him off and he buys our damn bank and fires your whole bunch." True story and I bet it has happened to many.