Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well It was supposed to be good morning C\_/
That went south with one phone call. I called for my friend Jimmy Ricard at Three Rs trim shop. His son Chris said Jimmy passed away from a massive heart attack back in January. JUST DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT , I hate when this happens. I had already knew I would start our chat with "how you doin' buddy?" (as we are all getting older). I never liked to call someone only when I needed something but yeah, that was the root cause of my call this morning. Instead, I learned that I missed my chance to pay last respects to a heck of great guy and friend.
Like so many others, gone but not forgotten.
Thanks for reading and do try to have a great Friday and weekend. Sincerely, Ben

It would be easier if people would text or email us after they die to let us know... :BangHead: