Troubles with Turn Signals 67 Barracuda

I spoke too soon. I was driving along nicely, heard a pop, and the car almost stalled. The clicking sound came back despite not engaging the blinkers. I managed to pull into a lot hoping the damn thing wasn't going to catch fire and she started running smooth again. Obviously the flasher is fried. Fuse didn't blow though. What the heck? I'd think if it was a short the fuse would blow. Can it be dumb luck with another bad flasher?

Also it may be related to a wiring issue. The gages work intermittently and when they shut off it you turn the windshield wipers on the begin to work. According to the wiring diagram this should not happen. In addition the dash lights don't work but they are in the circuit with the flasher. I HATE to do it, but sounds like I may have to take the dash out which I'm dreading.

Any suggestions besides rip it apart?