1970 "DUPED" Dart Swinger

Paint/body work??? There are three choices. 1. The body shop that all they will actually accept the car if it is insurance work. Not old cars that take many hours and do not make them any $$$$$$$. If one does accept as a "work on when not busy" deal, that spells body shop jail! 2. The old sorta retired body guy that does a few cars. Almost non existant these days. 3. The DIY home resto guy doing "his" car that he offers for ale. The work varies from anal perfect to "was it done by a gorilla"??

Same holds try for mechanical work. Done by an $80/hr shop? or 2. the DIY guy that varies from pro work to 2. or......Why did that grade 3 bolt not work??

So there are "restored" cars, sorta rebuilt cars, there are drivers that barely run and drive, lip stick on a pig cars, really nice done cars that are worth the $ to a guy that cannot or does not want to build a car, the list is long????.......

UNless you buy a car that everything has been rebuilt or replaced, remember it is NOT perfect and even new cars break and are not always perfect!

THe old car hobby is a HOBBY and hobbies hardly ever make anyone any $$$, they just cost $$$$$$$$$$$$$....therefore, we call them hobbies and not businesses..

So why don't we call the Fed. gov ment a hobby!!???? :poke:
Couldn't agree more.