Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

Since in researching intakes, I have seen you drop that article 3 times, and quote the same guy every time you do, i figured i would read it.

Your 323 guys built a "neat" engine. Not one I would consider anywhere near the holy grail. Btw, the article is 16 years old. Anything first hand or relevent to post?

Its peak HP was at 4900 RPM. Is that good in someone's eye's??? And it had to wind to 6500 to make peak torque? What kind of curve is that? Those guys could have picked anything they wanted, and they choose iron magnum heads and a dual plane intake to chase numbers, then use 1.625 headers?

BTW, it placed about 13th out of 27 entrants (3 of which blew up on the dyno). Again. Neat...not amazing.

4900 rpm peak horsepower, what?

made peak power at 6500, and appeared to still be pulling.
and you do realize those competitions are ran in a certain rpm range( 2500-6500 in this case) so the combo has to be built to suit that range.
As far as it being old.. everything about that build is still revelant today.
And I actually went down the track with that motor much more recently(6-7 years ago)
So my comments are actually more to the point than anybody else that hasn’t done so in this thread.
And frankly, I could care less what you think about it. I haven’t heard of a more stout pump gas 318 since, have you? It was a bad *** little motor.