Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

yep, I will jump in…if you think these very obviously smart, veteran engine master competitors left 30 horse on the table for at the time maybe 150 bucks…..not sure what to tell you

Iron-Headed Mopar 318 Magnum Engine- Popular Hot Rodding Magazine
They 100% left horsepower on the table. They also picked iron magnum heads, and decided to use a 1 5/8 header in a dyno competition?

I'm simply providing a data point, much as you are. Mine is however, what I have seen on a 480 hp 408 with my own eyes, with an True "A,B" comparison.

In this article with 323 cid engine, no "A, B" comparison was done.

I could throw an rpm airgap on my personal 600 HP sb engine, and it'd choke down to 550. Does that make the airgap a good choice because it made 550? No. it means I should put the victor back on it and make 600 again.

Does that make the victor an answer for a 318? No.

I very clearly give examples and conjecture that smaller, or more mild engines will respond differently, and simply won't care nearly as much. I don't understand the need to quote me every time I give my first hand experience on the topic.