Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

Dont hold me to it because I Dont want to get called a liar again but the Airwolf head had a 220 cc intake runner and they raped the floor to gain that area in an already piss poor shortside head. Pretty sure the first BPE heads had a 220 runner too which means area was gained in the same area. Again I may be wrong but the new BPE head is a 200 cc runner head. That Airwolf head is about as unstable as a girl I dated a few times.

First BPE heads I think were 195cc. They definitely were not 220.
the new BPE are 200. They are tall at the top and more meat in the bottom to have worked with. I posted the actual port measurements back when I first got them, on here. They were long and tall. Rod mentioned that only the super Victor had enough meat at the top to work perfectly. My Victor intake isn’t ideal, but it seals and works.
Not sure on the airwolfs, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were less than the 220 he claimed, seems like somebody measured them and this was the case( Rod maybe?) pretty sure he had a set of them to look at , might even have had them on dyno at Bischoff’s. Don’t remember now.